We`re finally half way through our induction weeks now. Throughout these weeks we had to work with Photoshop for one week, and then paper and card, after that we work with wire. I`ve just finished the photoshop and card stuff since every group has to do them in different orders, tomorrow I`m moving onto the wires, which I`m looking forward too.
The idea of starting off with just these three simple things, is to get us used to the idea that we have to start off at the smallest points to then further our work. We`re not supposed to have ideas about what we want to do straight away, we`re supposed to do small things first and then the ideas eventually come to us, (supposedly).
It`s slightly weird just starting off with literally no idea as to what I want to do throughout the first year at University, I`m starting to get used to the kind of things that the course leader expects from us and I feel like I`m really getting on my feet now.
So really, I feel like University is going quite well for me at the moment.
I`m getting along incredibly well with the people on my course, we`ve already been for a night out together... It ended up with me falling into my boyfriends wardrobe a few times, I think that`s definitely the drunkest I`ve been.
We do get along though, and everyone is amazing and we`ve all got different ways of producing art; it`s very weird seeing 33 people take on something very simple but have rather different outcomes.
I`ve been very busy... Like veryyyyy busy lately.
It`s proving to be hard to get things done once I`ve finished University, I get very tired very easily and there`s a lot of travelling involved with getting too and from University. I leave about 7am and get home around 6pm most nights, and I also stay at Davids flat two nights a week to make it easier for us to see each other.
I haven`t stayed behind properly to get loads of work done, the studios shut at 9pm and I just leave as soon as possible. It`s so tiring sitting in those studios all day working on the same thing, we get like an hours break and a few short ones too so we aren`t locked in there.
Another thing is the work load, along with being in there all day everyday for five days a week, we have to do quite a lot of journal work in our own time and work on our own small things. I`m getting used to that aswell now, and a good amount of completed journals in Carl`s eyes is three... As in we definitely need like three journals in order to get a good pass rate on this first year.
Even though the first year doesn`t actually count towards our degree, you still need to get a good pass grade in order to come back for your second year. It`s all ever so complicated when you read the module handbook, but I`m beginning to try to get my head around that now aswell.
There really isn`t anything that interesting to talk about at the moment, I`ve been trying to work my little butt off this weekend because I had two days off during the week; I`ve been very ill with something that`s called "Freshers flu". Everyone else has had it now, but I`ve had mine for about two weeks now and It`s making me very unwell, I am starting to feel like it`s turned into something else now, either a chest infection or pneumonia because I`ve ticked all of the boxes for both of them now.

Tomorrow I`m going to go and try to see a doctor, but it means another bloody day off of University, and I`m beginning to feel like my course leader, Carl, is going to kill me.
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Art Blog: http://melonheadamy-artblogging.blogspot.co.uk/
Anime Reviews: http://melonheadamy-animereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
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Instagram: amy_marshy_melons
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