
Well it should be because I had to go back and check as to what I`d written because I`d actually forgotten already. Yeah, I`m that tired.
Well then, We`ve finally finished those first three weeks of induction work, which felt quite prescribed and we had to do it all without fail. Along with that, there`s the out of hours lectures that we have to go to, all of the research and then journal work and contextually referencing everything we see.
I`ve been very tired (once again) and I`ve actually been at work again this weekend, I had last weekend off which felt amazing since I was still quite sick. But I ended up doing absolutely nothing the whole time and ended up staying in bed. You see, University is making me very lazy whenever I`m at home.
This next week at University is going to be extremely weird for me and I haven`t come up with any plans as to what I should do yet.
Over the three weeks we`ve had with Photoshop, wire and paper work; we now have to combine two of those elements and create a weeks load of work based off of those two elements alone and then on the Friday we have to present it to our whole class.
I should really be making plans on as to what I should do for the week, but so far I haven`t really planned anything out at all. I know that I defenitly want to use photoshop and paper, I fell out with the wire work straight away and ended up being quite passive aggressive towards my teachers because I hated it with a burning passion.
But I still haven`t planned out what I`m actually going to do, the last set of photoshop work I did, didn`t actually turn out great; which means I`m going to be struggling quite a bit, I think later on tonight I`m going to do some more planning work, and when I say more, I mean actually begin planning...
I also mentioned in the last update that I was quite sick; I went to the doctors on Monday and he gave me a quick look over. It turned out to just be a severe chest infection and a Viral bug that had both hit me at the same time. I`m finally over it now, which is a bloody miracle because if I hadn`t of gotten better then I would of had to have time off of work this weekend.
Time off of work, means that I won`t even be able to get to University; Student finance money won`t even cover my equipment costs, it`s ridiculous.

I`m really trying to leave myself more time to do things like catching up with blogging, creating my own personal work and having a little bit of time to watch my animes for reviewing.
Tonight I`ve been watching Plastic Memories, even though I haven`t finished yet and I can`t really say as to what direction this show is going in.
It`s an incredible watch, it`s based off of robots with synthetic souls that humans buy for companionship. It`s isn`t incredibly sci-fi, and I`m seriously enjoying it; if you want to get ahead of the next couple of reviews, then go and watch Plastic Memories!
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