Sunday, 23 October 2016

October 22nd; Nottingham Contemporary Visit! (Marguerite Humeau).

Unfortunately, David doesn`t know how to bloody smile.
I`ve had a wonderful little break away from University today, this has been one of my weekends off and I wanted it to be productive in some kind of way.
Last Friday a new exhibition was put up at the Nottingham Contemporary, two different female artists this time around and one of my friends from University, Jas, was one of the people who actually helped to set up the whole thing! Marguerite Humeau; she explored the ideas of FOXP2 (I`ll explain later). Otobong Nkanga; the encounter that took a part of me.

Otobong`s work was really interesting to walk around but didn`t strike me on an emotional level, and I`ll explain what I mean by that later. Her work was site specific and one was a commission piece, it was large scale and quite dramatic.

One room had a metal strip that curved throughout the room; it was then filled with white pebbles, and small boards of work placed on top. Some areas had odd but large rocks, and some vegetation. Then right at the back it had an embroidery piece on a large stand that was absolutely gorgeous. It was strange everything being completely white, but it still made the boards of work stand out since the colour scheme was dark brown.

In the next room, which was also site specific. It had a large wall piece that went all across one side of the large room, and then an embroidery piece at the end of it that kept with the dark brown colour scheme. Then there where cases filled with some smaller pieces of work, and pieces of work then hanging off small metal cylinders that come out of the side of the cases... I`m not too sure if I even explained that in a way that people can actually understand.
Her work is impressive, and I loved the scale of it all; but it didn`t quite affect me on a level that the other artists did.

Marguerite`s work is something that I hadn`t actually experienced before and it was very, very strange to experience. At first I even put a status on facebook just saying that I didn`t even know how to react to the piece.
To begin with, a whole room had been turned into two corridors. You just walk down and turn left and then walk down that one and there`s just pure light coming through a rectangle door. The corridor area is pitch black and only has some small blue-ish lights coming from the edges of the ceiling. Within the corridor are loud and weird sounding noises, to be more straight forward the corridor plays a choir of 108 billion voices. These 108 billion voices re-enact the time our ancestors gained the morphing gene FOXP2, FOXP2 was a gene which allowed our ancestors to be able to develop speech.
So, as you walk down this corridor you can hear these weird and strange noises coming from every direction; but it`s nothing like anyone talking, it`s even lower than baby level speech and there`s so many of them going off at the same time that it`s almost overwhelming.

When you walk through into the next room, through the seriously bright rectangular door. You find a large room with salmon pink walls, and boxes with large white sculptures on top.
In this room, she explores elephants, yes; she explored the possibility of elephants becoming sentient beings, instead of us humans. So basically, if humans hadn`t of evolved into knowledgeable creatures with feelings and emotions, would elephants? I`m not too sure if it was like Elephants would be the dominant creatures on earth if it wasn`t for humans, or If they just gained the FOXP2 gene instead of humans.
To then explore the idea of elephants gaining the gene, there is a serious of different elephants throughout the room that are all doing completely different things and are expressing different feelings.

Unfortunately, none of these images
will be in order due to how quickly
I was trying to update, if you want
to see all of the elephants, then google the
artist and have a look at some of her work
The centre elephant, is one that is sculptured in a way that makes it look like it`s taking it`s final breathes, and the noises it creates are unsettling. This ones called Echo.

There`s a series of three at the opposite side of the room, and these three are built in such way that makes it seem like their larynges have dropped so they sing in an articulate language that sounds really strange... Not unsettling, but strange. These three are called Edwina, Amelia and Antonia.

This is Echo, the elephant who
is currently taking it`s final
There`s another one which was almost creepy to walk past, I was leaning right over the box that the sculpture was sat upon so I could get a better look at it. Enid, is programmed to cry out of sadness.

There was only one elephant that wasn`t making any noise whatsoever and it was the only one that didn`t have tubes or speakers coming out of it. It`s called Jean and it watches the others in "a sense of wonder".

One of them made some seriously strange noises as you walked around it, and was almost in sync with the other one right next to it. Felicie is engineered in such a way that it`s drunk, and the noises it`s making are from it being drunk from ethanol which comes from the masala fruit.

The front of Echo.
One of them kept on making very heavy breathing sounds and then made an eruptive noise. Emmett is made to be aggressive and loud, and made me jump a few times.

A quite one, was by the one that made no noise and also behind the aggressive one. Bastein is a foetus being born, and it made quite whining kind of noises aswell as breathing sounds.

Throughout the room, you could constantly hear loud heart beating noises, that where literally non-stop. But because the corridor that was blacked out was right next to the pink room full of elephants, you could also hear the choir of 108 billion voices along with the sounds of the elephants.

I seriously cannot describe the way that the elephant pieces made me feel, it was seriously strange to walk around witness.
the piece was amazing, yes, I`m not saying that it was bad in any way, definitely not saying that because I was honestly blown away with what I saw because I only thought it was going to be a small range of sculptures.
It was strange to witness I guess, and upsetting in some way; when I first walked in I just though "wow, this is amazing". But after sitting in there for ten minutes I just thought about how they where feeling and why these noises where coming out of them, and the noises where just like something I`d never heard ever before. Sitting In there for ten minutes also made me feel like I wasn`t quite supposed to be in there, like I was intruding.

It was a mixture of weird emotions just from being in that room and seeing those sculptures made me feel slightly in-easy, and made my head slightly confused. It was definitely amazing, eye-opening and made you think about the piece. It was brilliantly effective and I bloody loved it.

if your around Nottingham or just passing through, it`s by the Broadmarsh shopping centre and is free entry. Also, look up the artists and have a good look at both of them, it`s actually Marguerite`s first major solo exhibition so it`ll also be good too look at her previous work before this exhibition.

I also apologize for not putting up all of the images, and for not putting up the ones that I do have in the right order. you`ll be able to find them all on the Facebook page later on in the day!

Thanks for reading everyone! I`ll be updating again very, very soon!

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Sunday, 16 October 2016

October 16th; Inductions are now over...

So then, if you remember in my last update, I mentioned that the University was starting us off with inductions; which spanned out over the course of three weeks.

Well it should be because I had to go back and check as to what I`d written because I`d actually forgotten already. Yeah, I`m that tired.

Well then, We`ve finally finished those first three weeks of induction work, which felt quite prescribed and we had to do it all without fail. Along with that, there`s the out of hours lectures that we have to go to, all of the research and then journal work and contextually referencing everything we see.
I`ve been very tired (once again) and I`ve actually been at work again this weekend, I had last weekend off which felt amazing since I was still quite sick. But I ended up doing absolutely nothing the whole time and ended up staying in bed. You see, University is making me very lazy whenever I`m at home.

This next week at University is going to be extremely weird for me and I haven`t come up with any plans as to what I should do yet.
Over the three weeks we`ve had with Photoshop, wire and paper work; we now have to combine two of those elements and create a weeks load of work based off of those two elements alone and then on the Friday we have to present it to our whole class.

I should really be making plans on as to what I should do for the week, but so far I haven`t really planned anything out at all. I know that I defenitly want to use photoshop and paper, I fell out with the wire work straight away and ended up being quite passive aggressive towards my teachers because I hated it with a burning passion.
But I still haven`t planned out what I`m actually going to do, the last set of photoshop work I did, didn`t actually turn out great; which means I`m going to be struggling quite a bit, I think later on tonight I`m going to do some more planning work, and when I say more, I mean actually begin planning...

I also mentioned in the last update that I was quite sick; I went to the doctors on Monday and he gave me a quick look over. It turned out to just be a severe chest infection and a Viral bug that had both hit me at the same time. I`m finally over it now, which is a bloody miracle because if I hadn`t of gotten better then I would of had to have time off of work this weekend.
Time off of work, means that I won`t even be able to get to University; Student finance money won`t even cover my equipment costs, it`s ridiculous.

Nothing super interesting has happened over this past week, which is a shame really.
I`m really trying to leave myself more time to do things like catching up with blogging, creating my own personal work and having a little bit of time to watch my animes for reviewing.

Tonight I`ve been watching Plastic Memories, even though I haven`t finished yet and I can`t really say as to what direction this show is going in.
It`s an incredible watch, it`s based off of robots with synthetic souls that humans buy for companionship. It`s isn`t incredibly sci-fi, and I`m seriously enjoying it; if you want to get ahead of the next couple of reviews, then go and watch Plastic Memories!

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Sunday, 9 October 2016

October, 9th; How`s University?

Helloooo, it has been quite some time once again. For the past two weekends I was at work, then University every other day... I have been somewhat tired recently and I`ve gone back to not having that much time to myself again.

We`re finally half way through our induction weeks now. Throughout these weeks we had to work with Photoshop for one week, and then paper and card, after that we work with wire. I`ve just finished the photoshop and card stuff since every group has to do them in different orders, tomorrow I`m moving onto the wires, which I`m looking forward too.
The idea of starting off with just these three simple things, is to get us used to the idea that we have to start off at the smallest points to then further our work. We`re not supposed to have ideas about what we want to do straight away, we`re supposed to do small things first and then the ideas eventually come to us, (supposedly).

It`s slightly weird just starting off with literally no idea as to what I want to do throughout the first year at University, I`m starting to get used to the kind of things that the course leader expects from us and I feel like I`m really getting on my feet now.
So really, I feel like University is going quite well for me at the moment.

I`m getting along incredibly well with the people on my course, we`ve already been for a night out together... It ended up with me falling into my boyfriends wardrobe a few times, I think that`s definitely the drunkest I`ve been.
We do get along though, and everyone is amazing and we`ve all got different ways of producing art; it`s very weird seeing 33 people take on something very simple but have rather different outcomes.

I`ve been very busy... Like veryyyyy busy lately.
It`s proving to be hard to get things done once I`ve finished University, I get very tired very easily and there`s a lot of travelling involved with getting too and from University. I leave about 7am and get home around 6pm most nights, and I also stay at Davids flat two nights a week to make it easier for us to see each other.

I haven`t stayed behind properly to get loads of work done, the studios shut at 9pm and I just leave as soon as possible. It`s so tiring sitting in those studios all day working on the same thing, we get like an hours break and a few short ones too so we aren`t locked in there.
Another thing is the work load, along with being in there all day everyday for five days a week, we have to do quite a lot of journal work in our own time and work on our own small things. I`m getting used to that aswell now, and a good amount of completed journals in Carl`s eyes is three... As in we definitely need like three journals in order to get a good pass rate on this first year.

Even though the first year doesn`t actually count towards our degree, you still need to get a good pass grade in order to come back for your second year. It`s all ever so complicated when you read the module handbook, but I`m beginning to try to get my head around that now aswell.

There really isn`t anything that interesting to talk about at the moment, I`ve been trying to work my little butt off this weekend because I had two days off during the week; I`ve been very ill with something that`s called "Freshers flu". Everyone else has had it now, but I`ve had mine for about two weeks now and It`s making me very unwell, I am starting to feel like it`s turned into something else now, either a chest infection or pneumonia because I`ve ticked all of the boxes for both of them now.

Tomorrow I`m going to go and try to see a doctor, but it means another bloody day off of University, and I`m beginning to feel like my course leader, Carl, is going to kill me.

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