At the moment I`ve been watching loads of new anime shows, but have only finished one completely. So hopefully can begin writing that review and It`ll be uploaded on to wattpad before you see it anywhere else, like on these blogs.
if you haven`t already noticed, I`ve recently updated the blog background for the Live Diary blog and the Art blog, I had the old ones for a while, in fact, I`ve had them since I started blogging and I needed something fresh to look at.
At the moment I`ve got a few design projects coming up, not ones that have anything to do with my sixth form course. Even though my most recent project is based around nature and the decay of nature, I`m going to try and get some other nature inspired pieces done in some of my sketchbooks. I sorted out underneath my bed and in the shed, where most of my materials are... I must have at least 15 to 20 sketchbooks that have absolutely nothing in them at the moment. So I`m hoping that I can get them filled up with some designs and sketches, if you want to see any of that, then your best heading off to Devantart and keeping up with some of my stuff over there.
Art wise, me and David got some photography work done, I haven`t done that many drawings or art work yet, only some small bits of photography. I`ve got some small flower drawings done in a spare sketchbook, and I`m planning on scanning them in and getting something done with them soon.
This week is going to be busy however, which is why I`m just trying to get a quick update done now. On Monday I`ll be helping David finish off his portfolio for his University interviews, On Tuesday I`ll be in London all day visiting some galleries then on Wednesday I`ll be going with David to his University Interview at Derby, then on Thursday I`ll be visiting Ink Kings and having a quick catch up with the guys there and, finally, on Friday I`ll be wrapping up my last day at sixth form before having a week off and hopefully visiting Shed2studios for some more work experience...
So yeah, pretty busy at the moment. When I can, I`ll do an art Blog update with all of the photography images and, hopefully, by the end of this week I`ll have some sort of drawing finished and ready to blab on about.
Live Diary Blog: http://melonheadamy-livediaryblogging.blogspot.co.uk/
Art Blog: http://melonheadamy-artblogging.blogspot.co.uk/
Anime Reviews: http://melonheadamy-animereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melonheadamy
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AmyWatkinson
Live Hereos: https://liveheroes.com/en/brand/melonhead-amy
Deviantart: https://amywatkinson.deviantart.com/
Instagram: amy_marshy_melons
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