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Perfect pizza date! |
he had gastroenteritis and ended up giving it to me, then my older sister, then my younger sister and then my mum; so we`ve all been pretty under the weather and It`s been hell.
For starts, the week began with me just trying to get a bit of coursework done and I tried to have some sort of chill out time for a few hours each day, then Owen got a bump on the head and then he got ill and got gastroenteritis and gave it to the rest of us. Because we where all ill we did nothing and I ended up getting no coursework done until the last day off. It was only basic artist research work and now I need to get some work done that`s inspired by those artists, so I`ve got my plate full there.
I also spent valentines day doing what I think most people would prefer rather than going out after they`ve had a seriously busy and stressful week of running around like an absolute idiot. So we instead had a quite day together playing video games, having cuddles, relaxing in bed and just eating junk food all day. It was much nicer than going out and running around Nottingham because we late for a dinner reservation or something, I would prefer something like this over any date.
Back at sixth form, I`m just finishing up some work that`s supposed to be inspired by other artists I`ve been looking at. To be honest, I just like their drawing styles and want to give it a try as a starting point for the project, I will get round to some sort of proper drawing eventually, I got bored too quickly and then wanted to move onto the 3D stuff. But last time I didn`t get enough observational drawings done to get me the A or A* grade, so this time I`m going to need a heck load of drawing to bring my grade up to an A.

A few friends of mine in year 12 have also got me in on a little design plan to make some side money with them, it sounds really interesting and I`m looking forward to trying it out. It`s just getting

Now for the make-over kind of thing that was happening last week.
So as you may of noticed (I really hope someone bloody has cause It`s been annoying me for ages) I had so much dead hair that needed to of been cut off, and if I haven`t said already... I haven`t had my hair cut in about 2 years because I`m stubborn and hate having my hair cut since my mum made me have it in the same style for about 4 bloody years. So, All of that dead hair has been cut off and my fringe has been kind of sorted out so it covers my forehead without it looking like a comb over. Already my hair feels like it`s getting a bit thicker and it feels healthier and smoother and lighter, and It`s bloody weird. I also dyed my hair back to a more natural colour, light brown; however, everyone is arguing that it`s in fact borderline blonde, and it`s bugging me because I just wanted light brown but now everyone is saying that I`m a blonde... Damn it.
I do look a bit rough in that picture with the brown hair, I was about to head off to my dads and I was rather tired. I quite like the colour, when I`ve got my make-up on (properly) it makes me look less pale and my eyes seem bluer again.
So I`m happy, I`ve got plenty to be doing at sixth form and I`m starting to feel better slowly. This small project with my friends should take off soon, and I`m hopefully going to be spending more time with David!
Busy busy!
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