16th, March, 2015: God Damn Head cold.

Ended up by myself until 8:25 cause everyone else was late for no reason.
so then the bitchiness art teacher in the history of the school walks in and demands that we all keep our god damn mouths shut otherwise she`ll send us to the end rooms. I`M IN YEAR 12 NOT 3 WOMAN. We had this female for the first two hours of the day, all she did was sit at the computer and yell SHHHH every now and then we tried to talk.
All my mates did was ask me how my birthday went and all i got was her turning round and yelling at me to be quite because she wanted to do her work. Excuse me, everyone else wants to do their work on the computer and all you want to do is keep on refreshing your e-mails over and over again. Forcing other people to go and find the apple macs which are ridiculously stupid and you can`t do anything on them.
I`m sorry Miss. Jones, but we`re in year 12 now and i told the year 13`s and they think it`s absolute bullshit too. We`re aloud to talk, it`s what we do; you`re the only teacher who had a problem with us having normal discussions and catching up with each other over the weekend. You make Mondays a living hell, you don`t listen to anything we say and you don`t take our opinions into account.
Woman, you frustrate me so much...
Just ughhhh,
Stahpppp it ,
just Shhhh Yourself ,
so i actually got a lot of work produced today. My screen was finally finished by the technician so now i can produce work off of that. I`ve done even more collage work to work on top off; i`ve done so many A1 sizes collage pieces to do work on top off... But i keep on messing them up so so many of them have had to go in bin today.
And somehow i also gained a head cold by being around a girl in year 13 for about 5-10 minutes, i have no idea as to how i got it that quickly. But i`ve been drinking Lemsip stuff all night to try and sooth my throat... God damn.

I mainly got money, sweets and a little bit of Alcohol to numb my gums since my braces are causing me absolute agony. I had my dad, my grandparents and my uncle come round. I also spent the majority of the day with David playing video games on the Gamecube.
i`m not one of those girls who goes out for meals with Friends or goes out drinking with other friends on their birthdays. I prefer to spend the day at home chilling really; i`m ot the type of person to go out all of the time.
So instead i played some of my favourite games on the Gamecube with David and my little sister. thing is though David almost beat me, so i got mardy... Now nobody beats me on my own games.
I also played my old time favourite Sonic game, Sonic DX... i`ve never actually completed the game, since i can never beat Big The Cat`s levels; all you have to do is catch fish, but every time you fail, you die. I can finish every other characters story but Big The Cat`s is impossible to do and it bugs the hell out of me. I`ve had the game since it first came out and i still can`t finish it, not even once i have even completed the second level on Big The Cat`s story.

So after school today, i was going to stay for a while but i really couldn`t be bothered since i started to come down with a headcold. So instead i went into town quickly and get some new jeans and little studs for my ears.
Last week i completely ruined one of my favourite pairs of jeans. There plain dark blue skinnies and i`ve ripped them twice, once on each leg around the inner thigh. They are the right size, i ripped them both times by putting things up on walls by standing on my chair. So by getting up and down the chair i`ve been ripping my jeans...
Cause i`m so smart >.<
So i really can`t be bothered today, i just want to go to sleep right now... So good night from me and i`ll hopefully update the blog when i`m feeling a bit better then how i feel right now!
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Art Blog: http://melonheadamy-artblogging.blogspot.co.uk
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