This week has been extremely hectic for me...
First of all:
we spent the day in London on Monday and i didn`t enjoy it that much. That morning i was up at 6 and then i ended up going to bed about 12-ish as i couldn`t get any sleep at all.
Tuesday was the first actual day back of doing some sort of coursework. Even though i hardly did anything on Tuesday, i was still extremely tired as i had actually done something that was worth my time and counted for something when it comes to coursework and exams.

since me and Emily haven`t been getting along very well (she`s pregnant), because of hormones and mood swings. She had ordered 5 Game Of Thrones, Pop, Vinyl models for me. She had previously given me a Dragon Ball Character, Walking Dead and two other random models with a Game Of Thrones Tyrian Model.
So i was really happy but at the same time i felt really bad, because that morning i slammed the door in her face because she was yelling at me for no apparent reason.
So, my little came downstairs and looked seriously surprised to see me, these are her exact words; "Oh, hey. You`re dad had an accident at work today."
She walked straight past me and into the kitchen. When she came back in all she said was "It looks gross."
So it took her a moment to realize that i had no clue as to what she was saying, so she eventually sat down and told me what had happened:

So my Dad (Sean) Works in a packaging factory; he works with almost all of the machines there and is very familiar with them all. But on this one day he was told to clean the machines and it was only him and his girlfriend (Mandy) in this part of the factory.
He had put his hand in the machine to clean a part of it, he didn`t realize that it was on at the time. This machine was also a sealing machine, meaning that it heated up to 200 degrees and used some form of lasers to help sealing.
When his hand was in there it had detected it, clamped his hand into place and the lasers came on. From where my dad was stood he couldn`t reach the emergency shut off switch. So he was stood for about 30-40 seconds screaming for help with his hand stuck in this ridiculous machine that could of potentially taken off his hand.
He was rushed to A&E with his newly injured hand. When he got there they weren`t quite sure as to what to do; so it took them a while to find someone to sort the problem out. It only needed cleaning and then dressing. A lot of bandages up his forearm where the machine had burnt him and then a weird blue mitten kind of thing on his hand where the laser injuries are.

On the Friday i popped round after school to go and see him. He said his hand wasn`t hurting as much now, just his wrist where the skin had gone.
i do feel terribly bad for my dad at this moment in time. he can`t bath, tie his shows, get changed or eat by himself. Also, he has an xbox one that he can`t play... So he`s sat watching documentaries and the discovery channel. H does want to go back to work, he said he would rather be there right now than sat at home watching TV with an annoying hand that has to be held up at all times.
On Thursday i had to have the whole morning off from school as i had the Orthodontist to have my braces tightened.
Whilst i was there they also attached more hooks and elastic bands to my braces. So now i have four sets of clear elastic bands that run behind the wire on my braces. Then i have to elastic bands that i have to change every day and i also have to attempt to eat with them in.
I cant eat properly, i can`t drink properly and i can`t sleep properly without them bleeding in the night. They`ve also cut very deeply into the right side of my top lip... As i`m writing this it`s actually swollen and has been since yesterday.
Out of all of the times i`ve gone and had my braces tightened; this has to be the worst. In the morning when i change the bands my eyes water up and i almost cry, I can`t open my mouth wide enough to eat anything and the whole bottom half of my mouth is to painful to even touch.
So Today (Saturday) All i`ve done is stay in my onezie all day and chill with David. i`ve been with him for almost 7 months now and he knows exactly how to cheer me up when i`m feeling down or a bit ill. He`s been making me laugh all day and has cheered me up soo soo much today!
I know he`s coming around tomorrow since it`s my birthday which means more time to spend laughing and being genuinely happy!! ^-^
So it has been a rather crappy week back doing coursework. I do think that next week is going to be way better and i might actually start getting some work done, now i`ve gotten back into the studio i think i`ll settle down much quicker and get back into the swing of things.

Saturday, 14th, March, 2015 11:01pm ~Melonhead Amy, Blogger
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