So i started my new job on Friday, it was only two hours of training with this lovely women called Rosa; i've seen her a few times when i go in, but this was my first time actually speaking to her properly.
So the training went well and i was still quite nervous using the tanoy system; i mainly just use it for shouting the codes if someone tries to buy alcohol or gardening equipment... Because i'm 17, i'm not aloud to sell certain things or check peoples ID's. So it`s been a bit weird working there and being younger then everyone else.
So the training went well and i was still quite nervous using the tanoy system; i mainly just use it for shouting the codes if someone tries to buy alcohol or gardening equipment... Because i'm 17, i'm not aloud to sell certain things or check peoples ID's. So it`s been a bit weird working there and being younger then everyone else.
On Saturday:
I began work at 8:30 and finished at 5:30. which means that i get one 15 minute break, an hour un-paid break and then another 15 minute break in the afternoon. I was by myself until 11, that`s when the other part time workers came on... So there was me, My friend Charlie from school, a girl named Chelsea and Brandon fro my Sixth Form. Thing is though we`re all 16-17 years old, so the amount of times we had to shout code blue down the Tanoy was ridiculous.
but i did enjoy my first day working there, i didn`t enjoy being by myself for that long though. Even though i`m only a cashier i do find it very confusing and having to deal with people that quickly as well is quite hard.
I didn`t think it would be hard, so i think that`s why i`m so surprised at the fact that it`s hard to get everything right.

So i was at work again from 9:30 till 4:30 with only one 15 minute break.
It went a bit better than Saturday but there weren`t many people on the tills and there where still a lot of code blues that stopped us from getting through with the customers. The day went pretty slowly actually, my feet started hurting a lot more too because i had blisters from Saturday.
i didn`t even finish the rest of my break, i just went back down to the tills to do some more work. I got bored of just sitting in the staff room; there where two other lads in there on their break Jack and some other guy... Forgot his name. But they laughed at me for going back down because i seemed so "So eager." They told me that i would get sick of working there soon, which is understandable since they`ve worked there for 7 months and are quite young.
But i also made an oopsie; somehow on Saturday i had lost about £20 from the till and then the same on the Sunday. I have absolutely no idea as to how i`ve lost that much money or as to how i managed to get rid of that much money accidentally, once Hannah (My Line Manager) had a word with me i checked the floor underneath the tills and checked the whole area around me and found no money that i may of dropped on the floor.
so i to be honest with you, i felt like crying when she got me in the office and told me. She did turn away and i just felt like breaking down. I know that seems pathetic to some people...
But you have to realize that THIS is my first job, if i mess up this job then when i try to apply for another it will affect my application. I just really want everything to go well for my first job, i don`t want to be fired because i keep on making the same stupid mistake time and time again.
So i got back on shift, and my mood was that damped that i kept on fu**ing up and making the same mistakes and i ended up annoying a lot of the customers.

So Sixth form was open for Art students for the day and i was in by myself for two hours, then Laura came in and made me ridiculously happy and then Micheal showed up and ended up injuring himself with a small craft knife. Well he snapped it by accident, but because he was using it with that much pressure it ended up sliding across the top of his thumb and underneath his skin... Yeah, he`s snapped loadsss of Craft knives lately.
So they both left about 2-ish and i stayed until 4, so i was left alone with the cleaners and caretakers as the teachers had already left.
But it also meant that i had to walk home by myself with this giant A1 folder that was about half the weight of me. So it ended up taking me about an hour and a half to walk home with the folder, but i also had to walk home in the pouring rain and 60-70 mph winds. So i had to keep on stopping as my hands where blistering as i was carrying it and i was fed up as i was there all day and no one else had really put the effort in.
Even though Micheal came in, he got nothing done after is little accident; he couldn`t think of anything to do and was bored. The Laura did one thing then she couldn`t think of anything else to do.
Now these two clearly care, they both put the effort in to coming in for the day and trying to get some work done. Then Holly and Chloe came in, they`re both in A Level, so that shows some thought.
But the fact that only 5 of us showed up out of everyone in Art was absolutely ridiculous. If everyone else really cared about their grades then they would of turned up to do some work; it speaks volume really, if people seriously cared then they should of turned up... Even the head of Art, Sue Watton, said that she knows who will be getting the A grades again.
Now i was the only person in my class to get an A grade, and i`ve even gone back to my last project to try and get my points up out of 80. There`s 4 units that are marked and added up out of 80, so far i`ve managed to get 74 points that`s now being changed to 75 points because i went back and worked on my final piece.

So i`ve been in to work again for two more hours to do a little bit more training with Rosa. Rosa was actually really understanding of the mistakes i had made on Saturday and Sunday, she was also fine with me just standing and watching her for the day to make sure i knew what i was doing.
I`ll also be with her on Wednesday doing a little bit more training with her, but all the training really is is watching her and observing the proper way to work. It`s helpful but i feel bad for others who have to jump on the tills whenever there is a code red... especially because i feel useless to everyone else who works there.
Because i`m new i just feel like i can`t do anything, i`m trying to remember everyone's name and attempting to fit in with them but it`s all so hard to do. So i hope i do fit in soon, they`ve all worked there for so long and they all get along really well whilst i feel like an absolute outcast at the moment.
I also went to the doctors to have a catch up with the nurse there. So she`s prescribed me more "Pills." Ladies you will know what i mean by that.
But the thing that pis**ed me off the most and that actually made me cry was the fact that the doctors had stopped one of my pills called Quiteapine. Now this is my anti-psychotic pill; basically the one that gets me through everything really...
For some reason i`ve been getting no letters from the service called CAHMS, but apparently i`ve missed two appointments which means that they`ve decided to stop prescribing the pills that i need. So i`ve been ridiculously annoyed with the Surgery and the Doctor that decided to stop the prescriptions, so i`ve been in the worst mood ever.
But the thing that pis**ed me off the most and that actually made me cry was the fact that the doctors had stopped one of my pills called Quiteapine. Now this is my anti-psychotic pill; basically the one that gets me through everything really...
For some reason i`ve been getting no letters from the service called CAHMS, but apparently i`ve missed two appointments which means that they`ve decided to stop prescribing the pills that i need. So i`ve been ridiculously annoyed with the Surgery and the Doctor that decided to stop the prescriptions, so i`ve been in the worst mood ever.
But then again this has happened before and i was alright-ish, but then again i wasn`t on the pills for that long for it to have a major effect.
but then again i`ll just have to wait and see what the doctors decision in about two weeks time.
but then again i`ll just have to wait and see what the doctors decision in about two weeks time.
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