Tomorrow is my last day at University, before I break up from University for the next five weeks or so. In between that time, I will be given a new module to be working on and I`ll be picking up a few more shifts at my part time job in the care home.
This first semester has been seriously weird for me, University is just a completely different environment that you somehow have to adjust too at the click of a finger.
To begin with, I don`t even live in accommodation, so to get to University it takes me about an hour or so travel time; that`s to walk to the bus stop, get the bus, walk half way through Derby and getting into Uni. Just that in itself is rather tiring, and I have thought about moving out for my second year since I`m not too sure if travelling will be best for me when it comes to producing some more serious pieces of work.
Then the whole studio atmosphere is really strange and hard to get used too.
The 33 of us got split up into three different groups of 11, and my group was completely separated from the the other 2 groups; meaning that we didn`t get too see them that much too start off with. You get a small desk to begin with and the second and third years work busily around you... Just seeing them working gives you some sort of insight into what you`re going to be doing in the upcoming semesters.
Then the lectures, there`s three different lectures and they all come in on different days. Because they`re all in at different times, you have to begin planning out what you`re going to be doing and who`s help you`re going to need on different days. It can also be like that when it comes to the different Technicians, you practically have to hunt them down if you need help since they all get so busy during the day.
The whole University experience has been extremely strange for me, it`s nothing like they tell you it`s going to be... And I do mean that in a good way! It`s just that when the students come round and tell you everything you need to get ready for University, you don`t really need it. It`s like you actually panic for nothing.
You`ll make friends and you`ll lose them even quicker than making them! Fresher`s is bloody pointless, you miss all of the important stuff during your first few weeks and you don`t want to leave your flat at all because of your vomit covered floor and clothes. They big up all of the parties and nights out, but you miss out on vital information, you make drunken mistakes, drunken arguments and then get yelled at for not attending university for the past few days... Fresher`s is literally; get drunk, vomit, get yelled at, vomit some more.
The overall experience for me has been pretty great; I`ve only been out 4 times actually, and each time I`ve gone into university the next day and got on with my work... And each time I`ve swore that I`ll never drink again, that doesn`t work by the way.
The studio space I work in is huge and I love it! Mainly because we`re also based around the second and third years work spaces; so we get to be nosey and talk to them about the course and what we`re going to do over the next few semesters. Since Derby only accepts a small amount of people aswell, we all get our own workspace and a lot of one on one time with the tutors.
Next year, I genuinely don`t quite know what to expect.
I know that the tutors are defiantly taking a huge step back, and we become a lot more independent in the way that we work and what we start to produce. Over the next five weeks that I have off at Christmas, I also need to get quite a bit of journal work finished and I need to begin thinking about what I`m going to begin producing over the holidays.
We need to being working off of two words.
The first word has to like to the Form of what we`ll be producing, for example; 2D, 3D, photography, multi-media.
Then the second word has to be the content.
I`ve already got a few ideas, and I know for definite that I`ll be working with multi-media, but then I don`t know what the content of that work would be... Something like abandonment and then I begin working from photographs of abandoned buildings or abandoned objects that I`ve come across.
Multi-Media Abandonment... Not too sure yet.
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