Best plan something productive!
So today, my mum, my little sister and my nephew all went to Wollaton park for a cute little family day out. Well it was supposed to be cute but it ended up being me running off and trying to take pictures of everything that looked mildly interesting. Luckily, not many people where there since we went there quite early, so not that many people saw me throw myself on the floor to get some good close up photos.
Not a lot of people will know about Wollaton hall unless you live in Derbyshire, it`s a rather popular place for History enthusiasts. The place is covered in detailed paintings from the art deco movement, some of which cover walls and ceilings on the staircases, and some of which are framed and dotted around some of the halls most famous rooms. They have small exhibitions on at times, and hold quite a few big wedding events where models come and prance around the halls grounds in their beautiful dresses.

The grounds of the halls are hugeeee, but if you`re quite a fast walker like me than it won`t take long to walk around the lake. Another thing that the park is very popular for has to be the deer's that they have, and they actually scared me sooo much when we went. They where laid down in the shadow of the trees and we had actually walked straight past them without even realizing that they where there, we only realized when we got to the car to leave and they had stood up and began to walk away from the trees... So if I had realized that they where there I could of got some amazing photographs of them just chilling out.
The gardens are looking mazing aswell, the flowers seem to be mid-way through blooming so there where some amazing colours and flowers to be seen in the garden area.
The taxidermy rooms are jam packed with dead animals, and my nephew seemed to be quite scared of the ginormous giraffe and the screaming gorilla. Downstairs you have all of the deer, bison, moose, bull heads lining the top of the cabinets and then birds inside the cabinets that cover every wall. There`s skeletons in some rooms, a bunch of butterfly cabinets that are brightly lit up so you can see every little detail, and there are a lot of insects that I`ve never seen before; like exotic aqua blue beetles.
If your reading this and you haven`t been to Wollaton hall yet, then where have you been?
I`ve been going there quite often from a young age and I still go now even though I`ve seen everything there well over 60 bloody times.
It makes for a good day out, and it certainly got me out of the house for 4 hours so I`d say it was a win, win really. The only downside to when we went, was the amount of people walking around the halls just trying to find pokemon on pokemon go, even though there was some amazing art work there. Even though I love pokemon go myself, seeing the amount of people who are no longer bothered about the amazing places they`re in is actually quite sad.
Overall it was a very good day out, and rather productive too.
It was productive as I really, really, wanted to go out and get some photography work done during the holidays; but I didn`t want to go by myself.
So going to Wollaton hall with my family gave me a good opportunity to go and get some really good photos taken.
I do apologize for this being such a short update, there isn`t really that much to say unless you`ve been their yourself.
I will also be doing an art blog update showing off all of the photography that I got from this lovely day out. I`ll also be updating some time next week about a day out at Nottingham contemporary gallery and It`s also results day next week!!
Meaning that we'll all find out if I got the grades to be definitely going to University!
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