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Lovely Walk With David On Sunday! |
Since I`ve been mainly focusing on the exam and the preparation work for it all, I`ve been working my tiny, 5.1ft, angry midget, ass off for the week. I`ve gotten everything ready and I feel fully prepared for these next three days of being cramped in the same room for the whole duration of the exam period... Jesus I`m tired. The new medication I`ve been on has been helping me with my anxiety, so the past week has been feeling quite relaxed and lay back for once; feels nice to not be so worried about everything and anything.
Sixth form seems to be so laid back these days, it`s just like I wonder in, get a little stickman drawing finished and then I go home and annoy my mother for a little bit longer. A few weeks after this exam, I`ll be finished with Sixth form and I`ll be gone for good! I`ve said good bye to one of the most amazing Teaching Assistants aswell. She has left before, since she`s actually retired; but she came back to our sixth form as a teaching assistant and a charity ambassador for Every Last Drop (they support schools in Gambia) and Ben`s Den (supporting children with terminal illnesses). Along with doing all of the charity work, She comes in four days a week to support a boy in our class who has Autisum; and she also looks after the rest of us, since we`re all big babies who need mother Denise to help us with all of our problems... Usually me and David need most help, with literally everything you could possibly imagine.
She`s like a second mother and she`s amazing; so we treated her to a lovely big bunch of flowers, a nice box of chocolates and David drew and framed a portrait for her to take away with her.

Sunday I had a really relaxing day with David. Started off with the sisters stressing out a bit, and then Owen having a few more tantrums; he`s at that age where he`ll tantrum over anything and he ends up throwing himself on the floor and crying... he does eventually crawls over slowly and give Emily a hug, it`s his kind of way of saying sorry.
Since it was a lovely day, for once here in Ilkeston, we decided to go on a small adventurous walk down the nutbrook trail. However, we did go off the trail somewhat and we where on the verge of being lost for quite some time, I also think we went round in a few circles and down a few random paths that led to nowhere. It was really relaxing, if anything, I think this new medication really is working it`s magic on me; usually I wouldn`t want to leave the house and I would just want to stay in side in my paj jays, all of a sudden I just feel so spontaneous and I actually feel like doing something... Definitely working then. It was really fun, and I didn`t get too burnt, just lightly on the back of the arms; we did have to head back early though since David's back hurts a lot because of how tall he is.
I also got a lot of nice photographs of some of the wild flowers from when we went off of the path, and a weird photo that says "ass wizard"... Yes, how contemporary. It was just such a lovely day, and a lovely way to relax before three days straight of sitting in a room doing my final piece.
So I had yesterday to get all of my final materials and bits ready to add on to the piece; but I mainly ended up helping out other people and getting bits ready for all of them aswell. I also fixed five of the sewing machines, which was extrememly hard with my little stubby fingers.
Today, I started off by thinking I was getting loads done and I was soooo energetic to start off with; but it all drained from me as the day went on and by the last hour of today I was just slumped on the floor sat next to my work literally doing nothing.
It does feel like I haven`t done much today, I`ve only added a couple more thin layers and most of it you won`t even be able to see when all of the other layers have been added over the top. Tomorrows job will be to add the illustrations and anymore areas of text in the any space available, then a few more layers on top of white wash paint and then more illustrations; then if I have time, a few more illustrations and then the textures I`ve decided on using. I have got some weird texture ideas planned that I`ve used on previous work on the art blog, not from last years exam piece with the wooden pieces and binder, but from some of the preparation work from this project.

See you then!
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