Monday, 30 May 2016

29th, May; Sixth Form Is Over, And, Fashion Shows.

After many posts about my exams and updates on sixth form and how I`m absolutely terrified about leaving sixth form... It`s finally over! which means that I`ve got an extremely long summer ahead of me now, I hopefully wont get too bored along the way.
The three days that I had on my final piece seriously went quickly, I did get it all done in time though; but I still wasn`t happy with the final outcome.

It`s hard to believe that after two years, I`m going to be leaving very soon. Plus, year twelve seemed to go by so slowly and year thirteen has gone by quite quickly and it seems like we`ve had hardly any time to settle down properly in our new building. Another down side to leaving means that over the summer, I won`t be able to scan any work in or produce any form of prints over the holidays (I`ll be able to when I`m at University). Also, I won`t see Denise again! She`s an amazing woman who`s looked after me and David these past two years, she`s been like a second mother two us both and she`s now left since the school is making a lot of people redundant again.
if anything, it`s going to be a weird and long wait until results day, which is when Derby University will contact me to tell me if I`m definitely in or not. Then a short wait till I start University in September.
We also managed to sort out David`s accommodation, he`ll be staying at Sir. Peter Hilton Court which is only ten minutes away from the Markeaton street campus that we`ll be based at for the next three years or so. Hopefully it`ll be good news for both of us on results day, and we can get David to move on with his life and live a little bit... Finally!

A couple of us ended the year off nicely aswell by heading off to Nottingham Trents degree fashion show. It was amazing!
It was my first Fashion degree Fashion show since I didn`t go to any of them last year after being quite busy with my first set of exams at sixth form.
If your on Instagram, then enter #ntucatwalk and you`ll be able to find tons of videos and pictures from the Fashion catwalk and the knitwear catwalk which was just the night before. But check out their Instagram and you`ll find some amazing pictures!
Unfortunately, I haven`t got that many pictures from the night as There was a huggeeee pillar in the way so every time the models came to the front of the runway I couldn`t see the two models on the end. So that was a tad bit annoying, but then again, we got free popcorn on our seats and it tasted amazinggggg. I want to say that the Static show wasn`t as good as the run way, the outfits seemed a lot more commercial rather than contemporary and daring... kind of like, they played it too safe.
Afterwards, we went for drinks with our teachers and the head of textiles at Nottingham Trent, turns out she`s best friends with the head of art out our sixth form. The more you know!

If anything, It`s going to be quite strange not being at sixth form now; and if anything, I think I`m going to miss it there. It feels weird thinking that I`m 18, and I`m just moving on with life... But then again it doesn`t feel like I`m growing up at all, I just feel like I`m going with the flow of things and I`m still not quite sure as to what I`m doing right now. It`s just like, I don`t feel like an adult at all, and that I`m just trying to be an adult instead.

I`ve got a full week off of work and sixth form aswell, then Next Monday I`ve got to go back, hand in all of course work and sign off of my course for good. But seeing as there is going to be no art technician for the whole school now, I`m going to be helping with the big clear up... Once we leave, the block that we moved into won`t be used anymore, which means that everything is going to have to be cleared out as soon as possible; and hopefully, I`ll be able to help the care takers with it all. Most of the old work is going into storage I think, but shifting it all is going to be hard work for just the caretakers. It`ll only be a few days a week as I`ll be working and picking up shifts at the weekend.

Also, my student finance application has been approved, and I`ll only be able to spend £62 a week, and then I`ve got my part time job which will be getting me £170 a month. It`s going to be quite hard to budget myself, and to make sure that I`m going to have enough money to keep me going whilst at University.
I definitely feel like I`m going to struggle quite a bit with my money, not with the budgeting, but just with how much money I`ll have coming in. I hope I can afford all of my equipment and glass whilst I`m there, or perhaps the University will give me some extra help with that... I have no idea.
I am looking forward to the whole University experience, but I`m slightly worried about the whole money thing now. I can hopefully sort it out after a month or so of being at University, when I`ve experienced being there and I`ve got a good idea as to what I should be spending my money on.

God, I`m so worried now.

Also, keep on checking the art blog for an update on my final piece work!
Damn gurll

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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

17th, May; First Day Of Exams!

Lovely Walk With David On Sunday!
Before I get onto the boring exam kind of stuff; I`ve had an amazing week! To say it`s the week that`s been leading up to my final exam, and I still haven`t sent off the paperwork for my Student Finance application... Oh yay, still need to do that actually.

Since I`ve been mainly focusing on the exam and the preparation work for it all, I`ve been working my tiny, 5.1ft, angry midget, ass off for the week. I`ve gotten everything ready and I feel fully prepared for these next three days of being cramped in the same room for the whole duration of the exam period... Jesus I`m tired. The new medication I`ve been on has been helping me with my anxiety, so the past week has been feeling quite relaxed and lay back for once; feels nice to not be so worried about everything and anything.

Sixth form seems to be so laid back these days, it`s just like I wonder in, get a little stickman drawing finished and then I go home and annoy my mother for a little bit longer. A few weeks after this exam, I`ll be finished with Sixth form and I`ll be gone for good! I`ve said good bye to one of the most amazing Teaching Assistants aswell. She has left before, since she`s actually retired; but she came back to our sixth form as a teaching assistant and a charity ambassador for Every Last Drop (they support schools in Gambia) and Ben`s Den (supporting children with terminal illnesses). Along with doing all of the charity work, She comes in four days a week to support a boy in our class who has Autisum; and she also looks after the rest of us, since we`re all big babies who need mother Denise to help us with all of our problems... Usually me and David need most help, with literally everything you could possibly imagine.
She`s like a second mother and she`s amazing; so we treated her to a lovely big bunch of flowers, a nice box of chocolates and David drew and framed a portrait for her to take away with her.

Luckily, very luckily; I`ve had the weekend off to try and relax a little before the actual exam... Since I had nothing better to do on Saturday and David was at work for 6 hours; I decided it would be a brilliant day to completely clear out all of my old shoes and bags, but away all of my nerdy books about knitting and manga. Then, I proceeded to clean the rest of the house, mow and strim both lawns and trim the dogs fur since she`s extremely fluffy. Quite eventful actually, the lawn mower wouldn`t even work since it`s petrol powered and I had to wait for David to finish work since I wasn`t actually strong enough to pull the string for the motor. Then my nephew has been over all weekend and he hasn`t been very well, and David stayed over all weekend aswell... So it`s been a full house really! To top it all of on Saturday, David and I laid on the hammock together in the sun for a while (I burned the back of my neck slightly), that is until the dog ran at us and knocked me off.

Sunday I had a really relaxing day with David. Started off with the sisters stressing out a bit, and then Owen having a few more tantrums; he`s at that age where he`ll tantrum over anything and he ends up throwing himself on the floor and crying... he does eventually crawls over slowly and give Emily a hug, it`s his kind of way of saying sorry.
Since it was a lovely day, for once here in Ilkeston, we decided to go on a small adventurous walk down the nutbrook trail. However, we did go off the trail somewhat and we where on the verge of being lost for quite some time, I also think we went round in a few circles and down a few random paths that led to nowhere. It was really relaxing, if anything, I think this new medication really is working it`s magic on me; usually I wouldn`t want to leave the house and I would just want to stay in side in my paj jays, all of a sudden I just feel so spontaneous and I actually feel like doing something... Definitely working then. It was really fun, and I didn`t get too burnt, just lightly on the back of the arms; we did have to head back early though since David's back hurts a lot because of how tall he is.
I also got a lot of nice photographs of some of the wild flowers from when we went off of the path, and a weird photo that says "ass wizard"... Yes, how contemporary. It was just such a lovely day, and a lovely way to relax before three days straight of sitting in a room doing my final piece.

So I had yesterday to get all of my final materials and bits ready to add on to the piece; but I mainly ended up helping out other people and getting bits ready for all of them aswell. I also fixed five of the sewing machines, which was extrememly hard with my little stubby fingers.
Today, I started off by thinking I was getting loads done and I was soooo energetic to start off with; but it all drained from me as the day went on and by the last hour of today I was just slumped on the floor sat next to my work literally doing nothing.
It does feel like I haven`t done much today, I`ve only added a couple more thin layers and most of it you won`t even be able to see when all of the other layers have been added over the top. Tomorrows job will be to add the illustrations and anymore areas of text in the any space available, then a few more layers on top of white wash paint and then more illustrations; then if I have time, a few more illustrations and then the textures I`ve decided on using. I have got some weird texture ideas planned that I`ve used on previous work on the art blog, not from last years exam piece with the wooden pieces and binder, but from some of the preparation work from this project.

There will most probably be another update at the end of the week, or on Monday since I`ll be at work this weekend aswell.
See you then!

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Wednesday, 4 May 2016

3rd, May; Can I Honestly Be Bothered.

Head over to the art blog now for some of my latest
projection work!
Seriously, I feel utterly and completely lazy this past week, and to be honest with you... I feel like I can`t be to bothered with sixth form at the moment.
When I go in at the moment, I keep on feeling like there`s nothing else to do wince I`ve already gotten everything prepared for the examination; so I`m just trying to find something to do at the moment, but then again I`m not aloud to get too much done. The way the exams work, is that you can have everything prepared that you want to use, or prepare the stuff that you want to add on, but you can`t put it all together yet... Biggest pain in the ass ever. You have to wait until the actual exam day to put everything together as a final piece, still a pain in the ass.
Everything`s coming together nicely and I`ve almost got my sketchbook completely finished, It`s just my final piece that I`m waiting for.

I just feel like all of the energy is draining from me quite quickly now, I feel like going into sixth form is becoming pointless. There`s still a lot of people who are nowhere near finishing off everything in time... There`s like three of us that are having to just make work to keep us occupied until the exam. Boring.

I don`t feel too stressed out anymore, which is also a plus side since I`ve found a bit of time to relax a little. Like tonight, I`ve been binge watching Seraph The End, the first series cause I`ve never even heard of the show before. I have to apologize again for nothing interesting happening lately, my life is soooo revolved around this exam that I haven`t had time to do much else that`s somewhat interesting.
Work`s going fine at the moment, I am quite upset though, two of the residents have passed away in the past week or so. It`s feels horrible to go back in and not see them again knowing that I didn`t say bye, I know their not family but you still get attached to residents (even though you`re not supposed too). I am still enjoying it at the moment, I haven`t met anyone yet that has completely ruined one of my shifts, and I`m finishing my training quite quickly, so I`m quite close to gaining the basic care certificate qualification that I need to work in care.

I have had one relaxation day though, I went out with a friend called Dan and I spent most of my months wages on clothes and things for my mum, it was her birthday so I thought that I would treat her to some bits and bobs, she loves Pandora... I spent a lot in there.
It was really good to just have some sort of chill out day, we also spent about 2 hours in Costa just talking about University and what we`re doing in September. Plus, Sky where doing this game of thrones promotion thing in intu Derby, and it was that loud I couldn`t hear the guy shouting "eyes at me" when he was going to take the picture, I felt extremely stupid...

Along with everything else at the moment, like student finance, getting ready to leave sixth form, the upcoming exam and being flued up once more... I had a lovely doctors appointment...
That was sarcasm.

if you don`t normally read my updates, then you won`t know that I have a LOT of problems at the moment, like a LOT. I won`t go into full detail about most of the problems, but I`ve raised concerns over autism, again. When I was younger, my mum wanted me testing to see if I was somewhere on the autistic scale, if that makes sense. Even though I was 8 years old, I was apparently to young to be tested and I didn`t show that many traits; but now I`m 18, and I`ve asked about the possibility of being tested for autism. My doctor is referring me somewhere in two weeks, but... He says he doesn`t think it`s autism, he thinks it`s possibly Asperger's syndrome, which is a form of autism. Then he went through all of my traits, health problems related to Asperger's and I`ve now been diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I hope that I do get a quick referral, I`m just trying to let it sink in that there may be a possibility of me having Asperger's, and no one has ever noticed for the past 18 years... It`s seriously crazy.
But because of this, I`ve been all over the place this week and I can`t really think straight. I`ll have to see what happens with the referral then.
Stole this off of Dan`s
(Trying to find him some
new glasses).

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