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Decaying Sunflower Lino Prints! |
For starts, my house is over crowded, we`ve got; me, my two sisters, my mum, my nephew and three dogs all living under one roof which makes everything seriously hectic at the best of times. We`ve all been seriously stressed with the lack of room we all have and the lack of privacy we all have because of everyone being cramped together in the house, so now everything is going to get sorted out!
Earlier on in the month, my younger sister was walking to school and saw a rental sign on a door to a small two bedroomed house and my older sister, Emily, has been looking for a new place for ages and the council hasn`t given her any help to find her a place for her and my nephew. So just having my little sister see that one sign, now means that next week Emily is going to move out and have a place to herself!
We`re all going to help out with the big move, of course we bloody are, we`ll all be painting and trying to make flatpack furniture from Ikea. She`s really excited, well we all are really, it`s going to be seriously strange though without her around as she used to look after me and my little sister when we where younger and she`s always been stuck looking after us and in return we`ve been looking after Owen when she`s at work. My mum and dad in-between them are going to help get everything to the house, it`s not too far away, only a ten minute walk or so.
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Skirt and Leotard both from
David and I also spent yesterday in derby doing a bit of shopping together, it`s been a while since we did anything like that since we`re always studying and now we`re both always going to be at work at the weekends, so we managed to fit one day in where it was just us together chilling out and spending all of our money on clothes we`d probably never wear... Yeah, I always do that. I also wore a skirt out for the first time in like 4 years! which was quite nice, but I kept on pulling it down since I was getting worried about it going up all of the time we where shopping. I`m not the kind of person to show everyone what I`ve bought or blog about clothes and stuff, but I did buy quite a bit ready for my new job, new trainers, some leggings because they`re the comfiest to walk around in and I`ll be walking and running around all day trying to get the jobs done and I also got tons of new notepads and notebooks so I make sure to get everything right when I`m working there... I literally can`t get anything wrong since my mum works there too, she`s a senior nurse and if I let her down then I`m going to be in a LOT of trouble with her too!
I did also buy myself some personal goodies aswell; new mid-waist jeans that are obviously black, some new grey pumps for sixth form, white and grey baseball top, new tights for when it gets to summer because this year I`m actually going to wear dresses and skirts and then I got a long white blouse! So I guess I did well for myself, I did also get a load of new underwear, but you guys don`t really need to know about that now do you? no you don`t.
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The white blouse from Primark only cost £10.00, I had to get
ready super quickly so I could go to the cinemas,
so I thought my new clothes would be the best things
to throw on!
The film was quite good, I enjoyed it anyways, slightly all over the place and I took a while to get into and understand properly but all in all I quite enjoyed watching it and so did the rest of my family. I just want to know why its getting so many bad reviews and as to why Ben Affleck is getting slated for his job as batman I thought he pulled it off quite well. he`s got the right body type to suit the character, he worked well with the given situation and he suited the secretive smart business guy kind of character... I think he pulled it off very well. Superman however, god he`s aged by a bit, compared to how young he looked in the older films with his baby face, yeah, he`s got on a little bit.
Rather strange film, I thought that there would be more fights in-between the two but nope, still enjoyed it though, there was nothing in there that made me hate it like other people.
People just loooove to pick fault with all of the superhero movies at the moment, there`s only so much that producers can do.

Also, I`ve got the two weeks off of sixth form but I`ll be at work now aswell. So I`m going to try my best to catch up with all of my three blogs and I`m also going to try and get some collage work done aswell, I bought some stuff home to use and Sixth form is open on Wednesday so I`ll also be going in there shortly just so I can scan in my work and then use them on Redbubble for some more designs. If you haven`t been onto Redbubble yet, then you might now know this but, you can now find my boyfriends designs on Redbubble, he`s done some super cute panda illustrations that I`m uploading for him now.
Hopefully I can try and relax a bit more aswell on my days off, I don`t even have that many days off these next two weeks but then again I`m not at work in the middle of the day, it`s either mornings or afternoons which means that I`ll be able to fit time around my shifts.
Live Diary Blog: http://melonheadamy-livediaryblogging.blogspot.co.uk/
Art Blog: http://melonheadamy-artblogging.blogspot.co.uk/
Anime Reviews: http://melonheadamy-animereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melonheadamy
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AmyWatkinson
Live Hereos: https://liveheroes.com/en/brand/melonhead-amy
Redbbble: http://www.redbubble.com/people/amywatkinson
Deviantart: https://amywatkinson.deviantart.com/
Instagram: amy_marshy_melons
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