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Wore a nice stripy black top, with black highwaisted
jeans and some shiny shoes, Smart but Casual!
So for starts, I looked ok; it took me forever to find something that looked smart and casual, not overdone but not to casual otherwise It would look like I hadn`t of made the effort. I panicked for an hour over just what to wear, that`s how nervous I was for all of this.
For starts, my mum said she knew where the University was so I let her take me... BUT THEN SHE TOOK ME TO WRONG CAMPUS! So then anxiety kicked in a I had a meltdown in the back of the car, so my sister had to run in and find directions to where the other campus was, but no one listened to me even when I clearly said that we are at the wrong campus and I knew how to get to the other campus. So then I was then left at the main campus, so I had to wait to get the shuttle bus over to the other campus which made me slightly late for the interview.
However, I was on the bus with three other people who where going to the same interview; but we all had the same Fine Art interview at 12:30... Which confused and scared me, because no one said anything about having a group interview of some sort. We all got over to the CORRECT campus and entered together, I didn`t know any of these people but I just loved them for walking in with me, even though I hadn`t properly spoken to two of them yet.
We went to a bunch of student ambassadors and they gave us a different coloured sticker to show what Interview we where going too. Orange was Illustration and Purple was Fine Art, god knows what all of the other ones are. Then we went off to Britannia Mills, which is where all of the art studios are, It`s separate from the actual main campus.
I`m seriously impressed, despite the fact that I was nervous and couldn`t stop shaking I was seriously impressed with it all. The space that you work in isn`t necessarily the biggest, but It`s because they don`t accept as many students as they want everyone to get one on one help as much as possible... which beats going to University that`s huge, but has a stupid amount of students so there is no space for anyone to do their work.
The students that showed us around where lovely people, they where helpful, friendly and where no where near as friendly as other students that I had met at other Universities. They gave us a short but sweet tour of the Markeaton campus, which is where all art students are based. The facilities that everyone has access too are amazing, just the printing room made me seriously excited! They had huge machines to make sure that your prints come out perfect, and even the device that they use for screen printing was huge and impressive! They really impressed me, I can`t really explain it, it just feels like home compared to Nottingham-Trent.
My interview was only about 10 minutes long, They had to get through 24 of us, so I`m not too bothered if they where that busy. It really didn`t feel like long enough though, you can`t really tell someone your life story within 10 minutes and explain every last thing in your portfolio in that short amount of time. I was the last one to get interviewed which meant that Roger (The head of fine art year zero, Carl was interviewing too, he`s the head of Fine Art), had time to look through my portfolio, my Sketchbook and a small pattern design book that I had taken along with me which had doodles and thought processes inside. Carl did come through at the end of the interview and had a quick look through the portfolio, But I didn`t feel like Roger was impressed with my sketchbook as I use bright backgrounds and I paint them and add colours as practice for colour theory... But that means that my sketchbook didn`t look professional at all and I think it put him off of me a lot.
I`m absolutely terrified as this is THE university that I would do anything to go to, so right now, I`m petrified as I have to wait until Monday for their choice.
Only 30 people are allowed onto this course, and just today there was 24 of us, the interviews run up until summer. So when you think about it, only one or two people will get onto the course per interview, and then again their might not be anyone who gets onto the course... I can`t even begin to explain as to how scared I am now!
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