Friday, 2 October 2015

2nd October; Student Ambassador Work and Anxiety

Smexy student ambassador couple over here!
2nd October; Student Ambassador! 

So I`m starting to get a lot more confident when it comes to working with others now, i`ve done a little bit of student ambassador work in the past year at sixth form and then some in year 11.
But this time, it was bloody awesome.

So if you don`t know yet, I suffer from anxiety, quite badly too... Just last night, I had an anxiety attack when walking home since a bunch of teenagers where across the road from me yelling abusive phrases about my hair, boyfriend and how much of a "whore" i am. But i had my headphones on an pretended to ignore them... Bad idea, my hand got sweaty, i started to shake quite badly and then I couldn`t breath and when I got around the corner i ran down the street and got inside as fast as I could.

I found this on the sixth forms Twitter
account: @OIEA6thform
But it got me thinking a little bit, these people stand on street corners smoking and drinking when they`re about 12 or 13 years old, I`m 17 and still get nervous when walking past these kinds of people.
But I`m going to University, these kids are going to be getting a PASS grade in shampooing a mannequins head at college. It just makes me wonder why people think they look "amazing" when they smoke and have nothing going for them. So then i remembered the night before when I did some student ambassador work with the year 6 opening evening.

The whole school was open, parents and their children came in and looked around, sat in speeches from the head of the school, got a tour around the school by us and then got to see all of the subjects and the subject teachers.
That night the head of the school received a lot of compliments about how lovely, kind and helpful I was when it came to answering questions and speaking about the subjects that the school had to offer. Now because of my anxiety, I`m scared of gobby mouthed teenagers but not of parents who will judge the whole school on the grounds of the student ambassadors. There`s definitely  been a big change in the way my anxiety works then, before I was terrified of everything... But now I can speak to people a lot more freely than before, but I can`t walk home without feeling nervous and petrified of the chavs of Ilkeston.

Horribly, itchy red jumper crew.
I`m quite proud of myself for the opening night, I spoke to soooo many parents and tried to get involved in the kids. The amount of compliments I received that went to the head of the school was amazing and then all of my old teachers that I would usually be too shy to speak too where coming up to me and asking me as to what I`ve been doing and how I`ve been. Many of my past teachers didn`t even know that I was still at the sixth form, I`m not surprised though... I hardly either never leave the art room or I never put the effort into going and speaking to them.

But there`s a good improvement there; just like when I began blogging and uploading to devinatart I never responded to messages, but now I respond whenever I get them and I quite enjoy reading through the messages now... Like an even bigger confidence boost to be honest.
But there`s always a own side to receiving messages from people who can see me worldwide, inappropriate nude images from guys and the hate messages from the girls; I`m getting a little bit used to it now and I should hopefully stop receiving them soon. The again, there`s the supportive people who send me lovely messages about my work On devintart and on facebook, so thanks you guys!

But all in all, It was a good night; But my anxiety is changing dramatically and that was the first time I`ve had an attack out in the open like that, luckily the chavs didn`t notice. My confidence is improving, but I need to upload a lot more on these blogs if i want to keep on getting supportive messages from you guys; thanks so far!

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