So lately quite a bit has been occurring in sixth for that, for starts, is pissing me off and it`s seriously bugging me to such an extent that i had to write a 3 paged letter to my head of sixth form.
I won`t mention the boys name at all because of his disorder but i`m still going to tell you guys about it so you can send me your opinions like you have done in the past.
so the boy in question suffers from Autism and is 19 in September this year whilst we are all still 17, (already wrong), he`s in the same class as 6 other girls and 1 other boy.
So at the beginning of the year we where all told to be nice to him and to treat him like everyone else, which we did and nobody had a problem with it. But even on the first day people where un-comfortable with him... especially me. On the very first day of sixth form this boy took a weird interest in me and stood in my personal space, right in front of me and had his head that close to my chest that he could of had butted my boobs.
Things started to happen, he`s touched me multiple times and i have said nothing about it; I never hit him because of it and i never yelled a him for it. He has also been out to touch my boobs on multiple occasions which is disgusting on every level.
He`s been to throw items at me and has even attempted to throw a pair of scissors across the room at me. He`s been to hit me in face, and even the first time he went to hit me he said "I wish i culd hit you, but your a girl".
Along with these he`s also got a stare which would put anyone back in their place and loves to llook down other girls tops whilst their sat doing their own work. He stares across the room and fixes his eyes on other girls chests. God knows why he does this...
I`m not using the fact that he has Autism as an excuse.
These happenings have been going on far to long now and other things have happened to other people... at his previous school he had a violent outburst and started attacking another student with a hardback folder around the head, then he pinned a girl down to a table and she didn`t come back into school for the next 3 weeks as she was to scared of the boy.
When i first went to my head of sixth form about him staring at me and other girls in my class, all she could say was that "He doesn`t know his boundaries." Then told us "leave and go back to your break as i`m busy and might be running late now."
So that clearly didn`t work, so since I got rejected by the head of sixth form multiple times i started to document everything he has either said, done or tried to touch/look at or hit. He hits things randomly if a teacher tells him that he needs to do something, so it`s un-comfortable and makes us all anxious to be around him.
So what does everyone else think?
I am in the right place to threaten the Sixth Form with getting the police involved for sexual harassment, but due to other things he says and does i was also going to get Psychological harassment involved. It`s got to the point where he always has to have a teacher with him and he shouldn`t be left in the same room as me since i`m the only person he does this too and apparently i`m being "Singled out" because of my hair. This boy doesn`t even remember my name, he just screams OI in my face when i try to ignore him.
So yeah, things haven`t been the best lately; but that`s mainly because of this.
I`ll update you all when it gets to us moving into the new art rooms in the new sixth form block at school. Should be awkward at first because we`ll have the A levels with us but we should hopefully get used to having them with us.
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This Time last year would of been our prom! Awesome! |
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