I am trying to be as prepared as humanly possibly at the moment, and with that comes a lot of university updates!
Since Derby University wants me too visit three galleries/museums, it was the perfect excuse to spend the day out with my little sister and get some shopping done. Unfortunately I had only just been paid, and I borderline regretting the shopping part of the day. We only visited one gallery and museum, and that was Derby Museum

We only have one small museum in Ilkeston, so seeing mummies and taxidermy animals will impress someone like me quite quickly; aswell as the museum area, they also had a range of different styled paintings that where in their own separate exhibition space. Some of them where seriously detailed and looked amazing! Whilst others where only little drawings, still impressive but it didn`t have the !wow! factor I was looking for. My younger sister, Georgina, instantly fell in love with a painting of a horse. I ended up falling in love with some of the blotchy paintings that created quick paintings that still had plenty of movement and detail; I`ve always wanted to be able to paint like that, but I lack the skills and the patience to even be attempting a painting like it. I think I ended up getting most of my inspiration and breath taking moments from the museum section of the building.
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I had to grab a picture offline
since mine had a reflection in it
and was quite dark.
On the ground floor, there are tea rooms which are full of old statues and pottery; which was very relaxing to sit amongst. Then the rest of the building is dedicated to the museum and gallery, and it was nice how the modern paintings merged into old fashioned ones from the 1700`s. There`s a small set of stairs that lead in too a large open room that`s full of extremely detailed paintings of upper class people living in the past; Unfortunately I walked in as a man was currently talking about the exhibition and missed almost all of the information on the paintings... Great.
The taxidermy area was quite good to say it was quite small; I would put that down too having a wide range of animals. Usually when you go to museums they`ll have areas of taxidermy, but it could be all birds or all mice or something like that. In Derby however, they had one of each animal so it wasn`t repetitive or the same as every other museum you went too. The wide range of animals actually surprised me, and I even saw some taxidermied animals that I had never seen before, like; Armadillos, Bush babies, huge parrots, fossils and a small bats that we stumbled across in a different part of the museum.
I lovedddddd the mummies! I had no idea that there where Mummies in Derby?! I know that probably sounds quite stupid, but I thought that mummies would be saved for bigger museums; like down in London, Birmingham, Manchester and stuff like that. There where three mummies overall and the one who's face, feet and hands where visible creeped out my younger sister quite a bit.
So overall, the museum was great and I kind of want to go there again but with my mum or something; she liked museums and nerdy old stuff, but she was at work all day so she couldn`t come with us.
The main shops I went too where Tiger, Rymans, Asylum and Primark; I did go into a bunch of other shops, but ended up not buying that much that would actually be interesting. My two university books arrived and I bought loads of new sketchbooks for when I head University, like, I`m trying to be as prepared as possible and I still don`t know what to expect at the moment.
I bought for books from Tiger, A soft cover red book with lines for note taking, a small set of watercolours, a book filled with graph paper inside and another little black and white notebook with lines in to it aswell. Then there`s a slightly bigger blue notebook (A4) that`s full with lines, so I`m planning on taking a lot of notes to start off with. Since I haven`t got a proper pencil case, that only has pencils in it (I like to keep organized), I also bought a small pink case from Tiger. Everything I bought from Tiger ranged from about £1 to £4.
I couldn`t find a precise sketchbook; Derby wants a sketchbook that isn`t spiral bound, A4, with plain pages inside so we can begin documenting our museum and gallery trips.
Unfortunately, Tiger didn`t have what I was looking for, so I popped to Rymans and bought an A4, softcover, black sketchbook. Then a range of H and B pencils, along with a small fold up ruler to pop in the case. The sketchbook was £6.99, the pack of 14 sketching pencils was £3.99 and the folding ruler was only £1.49.
I`m actually thinking about making another update that includes all of the clothes I bought whilst I was out shopping aswell; feel like it might be about time for me to start being a bit more girly!
Hopefully I`ll be updating a bit more now I`ve done some work over the holidays and that I`ve been able to go out a bit and have some nice days out.
I`ll be back soon with another update!
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