Wednesday, 22 July 2015

22nd, July; Almost The end!

22nd, July; Almost The end!

So i now have two days left at sixth form and i`m seriously ready for this break which is coming up... but the only thing is that there will be even less updates; I`ll have plenty of time to do the updates, but i`m rather boring and prefer to hibernate away in my room rather then be in the sun for the whole six week break that we have for summer.

so things are gonna be a bit slow, and i`ll probably only do three or four updates; i`m not quite sure to be honest... But it`ll be whenever i try and at least leave my room i guess...

Anime Reviews:
Art Blog:
Instagram:   amy_marshy_melons

Thursday, 9 July 2015

9th July: Taxidermy Work Opportunities!

9th July: Taxidermy Work Opportunities!

So i don`t quite like my previous job, i just feel like we`re all being taken for a joke and messed around quite a bit. So i`ve been looking for something part time that i could do instead of working at B&M.

I began looking at local taxidermists and designers that could possibly take on an assistant or a part time worker/apprentice.  There`s nothing definite out there, no where advertises jobs or apprenticeships in the taxidermy field, but i have e-mailed one person and have asked if he has any work available for me either during the summer or at the weekends.

His name is Russell Oxley, he owns the Taxidermy Emporium which is very close by to me; a lot of the work i`ve seen in person is actually in Wollaton Hall. Wollaton Hall is very old home and a very large one too, it towers over it`s own land, lake and deer.
check him out at:

I love his work, but un-fortunately he doesn`t work at the weekends as he prefers to spend it with his family, so i`m going to have to arrange a time to go in during the summer break so i can get some experience in the Taxidermy field with him.
I`m looking forward to it, but it`s going to be very strange at first; especially because it`ll be something completely new and different to me. So i`m a little bit panicky about meeting him and talking about job opportunities, but at the same time i`m pretty excited because i get to meet a real artists who runs his own business.

Just thought i would drop a quick update for you guys since this is going to be a pretty big deal for me right now since i`m quite nervvous and shy around other people, especially since i`ll need to make a good impression on this guy... Oh god help me...

Anime Reviews:
Art Blogging:
Instagram:    amy_marshy_melons

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

1st, July: UK melt down, we`re like pedos in nurseries...

So the rest of the world thinks that us English are going slightly insane...

So to everyone else this is normal summery weather, it`s currently 30 degrees; so we`re used to about 20- 15 degrees. So apparently us English look slightly insane right now and other countries are finding it quite funny..
I don`t blame you all.

It`s plastered all over the Internet, on news papers and all over social media... Yes; we get that this is the hottest day in nine years and that none of us can keep cold right now, but it`s going a little bit too far. Luckily i haven`t burnt at all, i`m quite pale so you`ll be able to tell when i have burnt up; that`s even if it is just a tiny bit of sunburn i get.

I`ve done literally no work at all in the past two days, it`s too hot to do anything. Even whilst i was asleep last night it as 25 degrees... That`s wayyyy to hot for England during the summer, never mind in the middle of the night.
So nothing has actually happened, we`ve been stuck in a small, enclosed, sweaty art room for the past two days and we`ve all been very close to passing out. Even as i write this, i`m sat in front of a fan and i just cannot keep cool. Apparently there are going to be some storms in the next few days too, so there will be nothing uploaded on here for a few more days... Maybe Sunday? Or something? I dunno... Hopefully soon ish as i`m spending the weekend with my boyfriend again, so there should be at lest a few things to discuss with you guys, if not; then check back in a week and see if i`m still alive ^.^

Also, you can find me on the links below!

Anime Reviews:
Art Blog:
Instagram;   amy_marshy_melons